Pain, eyes swelling, 100 yr old woman

My mother, a 100 year old resthome resident, usually exceptionally well and active for her age, had her 2nd covid vax on 11/06/21.

On 17 7 21, mum complained to the resthome nurse that her eyes were sore. She was seen by the resthome GP on 19 07 21 and prescribed antibiotics and eye drops, neither of which helped, and her symptoms worsened until the resthome manager took her to Whangarei Hospital ED on 21 07 21. By then both eyes were almost completely swollen shut, the skin around her eyes was saddened and inflamed, there was sweling on her left jaw and on her neck under her skin. She was very distressed and in alot of pain. She was taken off the antibiotics, and given eye drops and antihistamines by the hospital doctor. On Friday 23 07 21, she was taken back to ED as the swelling had again worsened, and this time was given prednisone, which has helped to reduce most of the symptoms. Over the last 2 days, her right ear has become inflamed and irritated.

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