Elderly neighbour couple received first jab 28th May, on the 2nd June her husband was rushed to hospital. He has been in and out since with only being home one day before being rushed back again – from fluid on lung, heart issues, clot in leg then a cyst in leg. He is very sick and unable to walk unassisted. He can’t sleep and in huge amount of pain.
The wife came over on the evening of the 2nd to let me know her husband had been rushed to hospital, during the conversation while in my home she informed me they had received their first jab. On Friday the 4th I became unwell, flu like symptoms but not normal – no temp or headache, no runny nose just nausea, very sore, sore throat. Night sweats but no temp. I suffered terrible period pains (which wasn’t due) which lasted over 1 week. During this time the neighbour popped back numerous times to say about her husband and ask for help (doesn’t drive) so while I tried to avoid close contact it didn’t happen.
My child now had come in contact with the wife, 3 or 4 times, and started to suffer nausea and tiredness on 9th June. By the weekend child was showing random spots which now turn out to be chicken pox. My child has not been anywhere but school (no one else has had it or showing symptoms) and just the neighbour. Doctors confirmed chickenpox but also said it’s not like normal. My child is just getting the odd spot daily and not full blisters as if a mild case or something else. My child is immune compromised as well.
This seems more than a coincidence that both of us have become unwell since coming in contact with the wife and also wife has been showing flu symptoms and doctors put her on antibiotics. When she asked doctors and nurses if their issues were from having the vax, they were told it is totally safe and been well tested and it wouldn’t cause any issues.
Is This NZ Based or Overseas? : Yes